Crisis Communication Strategy

This playbook describes the best practices for effective communication during a crisis, detailing steps for crafting messages, choosing the right communication channels, and engaging with stakeholders.

Step 1: Preparation

Prepare for potential crises by creating a crisis communication plan. This plan should include a designated crisis communication team, a list of key stakeholders, predetermined communication channels, and templates for various scenarios.

Step 2: Notification

In the event of a crisis, immediately notify the crisis communication team and activate the communication plan. Assess the situation and determine the level of response required.

Step 3: Message Crafting

Craft a clear and concise message that explains the crisis, the steps being taken to address it, and its potential impact. Ensure that the message aligns with the facts, demonstrates empathy, and commitment to resolve the issue.

Step 4: Stakeholder Mapping

Identify all relevant stakeholders affected by the crisis, both internal and external. Map out the priority order in which these stakeholders should be informed based on their level of impact and influence.

Step 5: Delivery Channels

Select the appropriate communication channels to reach your stakeholders effectively. These channels may include press releases, social media, email, company intranet, and face-to-face meetings.

Step 6: Information Release

Disseminate the message through the chosen channels, starting with high-priority stakeholders. Ensure that the information distribution is timely, accurate, and consistent across all channels.

Step 7: Feedback Loop

Create a system to receive and manage feedback from stakeholders. Monitor the response to the communication and make adjustments if necessary. Regularly update stakeholders as the situation evolves.

Step 8: Post-Crisis Review

After the crisis has been managed, conduct a review of the communication effectiveness. Analyze what worked, what didn't, and what could be improved. Update the crisis communication plan accordingly for future readiness.

General Notes

Team Training

Ensure that the crisis communication team is well-trained in the plan and their roles. Regular drills and scenario planning can enhance preparedness.

Legal Compliance

During message crafting and dissemination, it's crucial to consider legal implications and compliance issues.


Be mindful of confidentiality policies and only share information that is approved for public release.