Family Credit & Debt Management

This playbook provides a structured approach for couples and families to manage their credit and debt. It includes steps for assessing current financial situations, considering joint debts, and implementing strategies for effective credit and debt management.

Step 1: Assessment

Begin by jointly reviewing and assessing all current debts, credit reports, and credit scores for each family member or partner. This will provide a comprehensive view of the family's financial situation and any credit issues that may need to be addressed.

Step 2: Discussion

Schedule a family meeting to discuss each person's financial goals and concerns. Use this as an opportunity to establish a shared understanding of your financial situation and set common goals for credit and debt management.

Step 3: Budgeting

Create a household budget that includes all income sources and expenses. Allocate funds for debt repayment and ensure regular expenses are covered while avoiding additional debt accumulation if possible.

Step 4: Joint Debt Plan

Identify which debts are joint and which are individual. Decide on a strategy to manage joint debt, whether it's to consolidate, pay off jointly or divide the responsibility. Make sure all parties understand and agree on the chosen approach.

Step 5: Credit Improvement

Implement strategies to improve your credit scores, such as paying bills on time, reducing credit card balances, and disputing any errors on credit reports. Consistent improvement efforts will benefit all family members.

Step 6: Regular Check-Ins

Establish a schedule for regular check-ins to monitor your credit reports, track debt reduction progress, and update the budget as needed. This ensures everyone stays informed and any adjustments can be made in a timely manner.

Step 7: Advisory Consultation

If needed, seek advice from a financial advisor or credit counselor to help navigate complex credit and debt issues, especially those that may impact marital assets or the family's financial future.

General Notes


Open and honest communication is vital throughout this process. Ensure all family members feel heard and their concerns are addressed.


Maintain records of all debts, payments, and financial agreements related to credit and debt management. Documentation can provide clarity and prevent misunderstandings between family members.