Tech-Enhanced Corporate Events

This playbook describes the procedure for integrating advanced technologies into corporate events to boost attendee engagement and improve event management. It includes steps for planning, selecting, implementing, and evaluating technological solutions in a corporate event setting.

Step 1: Objective Setting

Define clear objectives for how technology will enhance the event. Objectives might include improved engagement, data collection, streamlined check-ins, or enhanced presentation capabilities.

Step 2: Research

Investigate the latest technologies suitable for events, such as mobile event apps, VR/AR experiences, social media walls, and AI chatbots. Identify which technologies align best with the set objectives.

Step 3: Budgeting

Allocate a budget for the technology. Consider costs for licensing, equipment rental, custom software development, and any additional staff needed to manage the technologies.

Step 4: Vendor Selection

Identify potential vendors and assess their offerings against the objectives and budget. Look for reputable providers with experience in events.

Step 5: Demonstrations

Request demonstrations of the technologies to understand their capabilities and how they might enhance the attendee experience. Involve stakeholders in these demos for collective decision-making.

Step 6: Integration Plan

Create a detailed plan for how the technology will be integrated into the event. This should include timelines, personnel responsibilities, and how the technology fits with other event aspects.

Step 7: Testing

Prior to the event, thoroughly test all technologies to ensure they work as expected. Address any issues and retest as necessary.

Step 8: Training

Train event staff on how to use and troubleshoot the technologies. Provide them with all necessary information and supportive resources.

Step 9: Implementation

Deploy the technologies during the event as per the integration plan. Ensure support staff are available to assist and handle any issues.

Step 10: Engagement Monitoring

Monitor attendee engagement with the technologies in real-time, if possible, to make adjustments and improve the experience on the fly.

Step 11: Feedback Collection

Gather feedback from attendees and staff regarding the technology's impact. Use surveys, direct feedback, and data analytics to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

Step 12: Review

Post-event, review the performance of the technologies against the initial objectives. Discuss what worked, what didn't, and document lessons learned.

General Notes

Attendance Metrics

Ensure there’s a mechanism in place to track and analyze attendee interaction with the technology for future event planning and ROI assessment.

Data Privacy

Be aware of and comply with data privacy regulations when implementing technology that collects personal data.

Contingency Plans

Prepare for technology failures with backup solutions to minimize disruptions during the event.