Corporate Entertainment Planning

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to selecting and organizing entertainment and team-building activities that are suitable for a corporate environment. It includes ideas and examples to ensure successful corporate events.

Step 1: Objective Setting

Define the purpose and goals of the corporate entertainment or team-building activity. Identify what you want to achieve such as team bonding, rewarding employees, or celebrating company milestones.

Step 2: Budget Allocation

Determine the budget for the event. This will guide the scale of entertainment and activities you can afford and help in making informed decisions about the venue, food, and other logistical elements.

Step 3: Team Involvement

Involve a team in the planning process to gather diverse ideas and preferences. This could be a formal event committee or an informal discussion group within the company.

Step 4: Activity Selection

Choose activities and entertainment options that align with your objectives and budget. Consider a variety of formal and casual activities to suit different interests and engagement levels.

Step 5: Logistical Planning

Handle logistical aspects such as booking a venue, arranging transportation, and scheduling the event. Pay attention to the small details that can make a big difference, like dietary restrictions and accessibility.

Step 6: Professional Help

If the scale of the event is large or specialized, consider hiring a professional event planner or entertainment provider to ensure a high-quality experience and to reduce internal workload.

Step 7: Invites and RSVPs

Send out invites with clear instructions and an RSVP request. Provide details about the event's purpose, date, time, location, dress code, and any other pertinent information.

Step 8: Feedback Mechanism

Establish a way to collect feedback after the event to assess its success and learn for future planning. This can be through surveys, a suggestion box, or an open discussion.

General Notes


Ensure that the selected activities are inclusive, accounting for a diverse workforce. Avoid exclusive activities that may not be accessible or enjoyable for everyone.

Legal Compliance

Confirm that all activities comply with local laws and regulations, particularly regarding safety and permits.

Company Culture

Align the activities and entertainment with the company's culture to ensure they are appropriate and well-received.