Stir-Fry Mastery Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to mastering the art of stir-frying. It covers selecting the appropriate utensils and ingredients, and provides guidance on how to achieve optimal flavor through proper ingredient sequencing and stir-fry techniques.

Step 1: Utensil Selection

Select a well-seasoned wok which allows for efficient heat distribution. If a wok is not available, opt for a wide, heavy-bottomed skillet as an alternative.

Step 2: Oil Choice

Choose an oil with a high smoke point, such as peanut, canola, or vegetable oil, to withstand the high temperatures required for stir-frying without burning.

Step 3: Prep Ingredients

Prepare all your ingredients before heating the wok. Cut them into uniform, bite-sized pieces for even cooking and set them aside, grouped by cooking times.

Step 4: Preheat Wok

Place your wok on high heat until it's very hot. You may see a slight smoke that signifies it is ready to use. Ensure proper ventilation while cooking at high heat.

Step 5: Add Oil

Once the wok is heated, add the oil around the perimeter so that it coats the surface as it flows to the center. Swirl the wok to coat evenly.

Step 6: Cook Ingredients

Add the ingredients in the order of the time they require to cook — start with the ones that take the longest. Commonly, meats go first followed by vegetables. Consistently stir to prevent burning and to cook evenly.

Step 7: Season & Serve

Once all the ingredients are nearly cooked, add the seasonings like sauce, spices, or aromatics, stirring often. Cook for an additional minute to combine flavors and then remove from heat. Serve immediately for best results.

General Notes

Ingredient Prep

To ease the cooking process, have all ingredients measured, cut, and placed in separate bowls before you start cooking.

Wok Care

After cooking, clean your wok with hot water and a sponge. Avoid soap if your wok is seasoned, as it can remove the oils that build up the non-stick surface. Dry it on the stove over low heat before storing to prevent rust.