Homemade Pasta Workshop

This playbook describes the process of creating homemade pasta. It covers the steps from preparing the dough to rolling it out and shaping it into various pasta types, complete with sauce pairing suggestions.

Step 1: Gather Ingredients

Collect all necessary ingredients for making pasta dough, such as flour, eggs, salt, and olive oil.

Step 2: Dough Preparation

Combine the ingredients and knead to form a consistent pasta dough.

Step 3: Resting Dough

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes to allow the gluten to relax.

Step 4: Divide Dough

Cut the dough into portions that are easy to roll out.

Step 5: Rolling Technique

Roll out the dough portions using a pasta machine or a rolling pin to the desired thickness.

Step 6: Shaping Pasta

Cut and shape the rolled dough into various pasta forms such as fettuccine, pappardelle, or ravioli.

Step 7: Cooking Pasta

Boil the pasta in salted water until it's al dente. This usually takes 2-4 minutes, depending on the pasta thickness and shape.

Step 8: Sauce Pairings

Prepare a selection of sauces that pair well with the different types of pasta you've made.

Step 9: Serve

Drain the cooked pasta and combine it with the sauces. Plate and serve immediately for the best flavor and texture.

General Notes


The hydration of your pasta dough can vary depending on the flour and the size of your eggs. Adjust by adding more flour or water as needed to reach a smooth, pliable consistency.

Resting Time

If your schedule allows, letting the dough rest for longer than 30 minutes can result in an even more tender pasta.

Sauce Tips

For best results, prepare the sauces while the dough is resting so they are ready to go once the pasta is cooked.