Creating a Collaboration Agreement

This playbook describes the sequential steps to draft a collaboration agreement between two parties intending to work together on a project or to achieve a common goal.

Step 1: Define Purpose

Identify and document the shared objectives and the purpose of the collaboration. Clearly articulate what both parties intend to achieve through their partnership.

Step 2: Identify Parties

List all the parties involved in the agreement, including their roles, responsibilities, and the contributions they will make to the collaboration.

Step 3: Discuss Terms

Negotiate and agree upon the key terms of the collaboration, such as scope of work, duration, milestones, and any specific conditions or rules for the partnership.

Step 4: Outline Responsibilities

Create a detailed outline of what each party is responsible for, including deliverables, tasks, and any resource sharing that is expected.

Step 5: Settle Finances

Agree upon financial arrangements, such as payment schedules, funding responsibilities, and any profit sharing or revenue distribution if applicable.

Step 6: Address Intellectual Property

Determine how intellectual property will be managed. Discuss ownership, use rights, and protection of any intellectual property that arises from the collaboration.

Step 7: Plan Communication

Agree on how often and through what methods the parties will communicate to keep the collaboration effective and ensure all parties remain informed.

Step 8: Finalize Agreement

Combine all the agreed elements into a formal agreement document. Make sure it is clear, concise, and includes all necessary legal terms and conditions.

Step 9: Review and Revise

Both parties should review the agreement thoroughly, discuss any concerns, and make revisions if necessary to ensure mutual understanding and agreement.

Step 10: Sign and Execute

Once the document is finalized and agreed upon, both parties sign the agreement, making it a legally binding document. Copies should be kept by all parties involved.

General Notes

Legal Review

Consider having the agreement reviewed by legal professionals to ensure that it is compliant with local laws and regulations.

Continuous Assessment

Agree to a method for ongoing evaluation of the collaboration's effectiveness and include provisions for amending the agreement as necessary over time.


If sensitive information will be shared during the collaboration, include a confidentiality clause to protect all parties' proprietary information.