Docker Containerization Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for creating, deploying, and managing Docker containers. It is tailored for application developers who are looking to embrace containerization technology for its numerous benefits.

Step 1: Install Docker

Download the Docker Desktop application from the official Docker website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Step 2: Create Image

Define your application stack in a Dockerfile. This includes the base image, software dependencies, and any required build steps. Use the docker build command to create an image from this Dockerfile.

Step 3: Run Container

Start a container from the image using the docker run command. You can specify various options such as port mapping, volume mounting, and network settings at this point.

Step 4: Access Application

Access your application running within the container through the specified ports. Ensure that it's functioning as expected.

Step 5: Manage Containers

Use Docker CLI commands like docker ps to list running containers, docker stop to stop a container, and docker rm to remove a container.

Step 6: Update Application

To update the application, modify the source code or Dockerfile as needed, rebuild the image, and create a new container from the updated image.

Step 7: Deploy

Deploy your containerized application by pushing the Docker image to a registry (e.g., Docker Hub) and then pulling and running it on the target environment.

Step 8: Monitor & Log

Maintain the health of your containers by setting up container monitoring and logging using Docker commands or third-party tools.

Step 9: Scale & Update

Scale your application by running multiple container instances. Update existing containers by replacing them with new ones spun up from updated images.

General Notes

Best Practices

Follow Docker best practices such as keeping images small, handling logs properly, avoiding running containers as root unless necessary, and ensuring proper cleanup of unused images and containers.


Implement Docker security measures like using trusted base images, regularly scanning images for vulnerabilities, and restricting resource usage to prevent abuse.