Choosing a Cloud Provider

This playbook provides a structured approach to evaluating and selecting the most suitable cloud provider for your specific needs. It involves researching, comparing, and assessing various cloud services based on essential criteria.

Step 1: Define Needs

Identify the specific requirements of your project or business that will be addressed by the cloud provider. This should include computing resources, storage, security, compliance, scalability, and support.

Step 2: Research Providers

Compile a list of potential cloud providers. Research each provider’s services, reputation, service level agreements (SLAs), support options, and pricing structures.

Step 3: Compare Services

Create a comparison table to evaluate how each provider's offerings align with your needs. Include factors like performance, uptime guarantees, data center locations, and customer reviews.

Step 4: Assess Compatibility

Check the compatibility of each provider with your existing tools, workflows, and technologies. Consider the ease of migration and potential integration challenges.

Step 5: Trial Services

Take advantage of free trials or demo periods offered by cloud providers to test their services. Pay attention to the user experience, reliability, and quality of customer service during the trial.

Step 6: Cost Analysis

Perform a detailed cost analysis factoring in not only upfront fees but also long-term costs such as data transfer fees, storage costs, and scaling expenses.

Step 7: Consult Stakeholders

Present your findings to key stakeholders or decision-makers in your organization. Consider their feedback as it might offer additional insights or highlight overlooked requirements.

Step 8: Final Decision

Based on the comprehensive research, comparisons, trials, cost analysis, and stakeholder input, make an informed decision and select the cloud provider that offers the best fit for your needs.

General Notes

Vendor Lock-in

Be cautious of vendor lock-in which can limit flexibility. Assess the ease of transferring services to another provider in the future, if necessary.


Ensure that the chosen provider allows for easy scaling of services to accommodate your project's growth or fluctuating demands.

Data Governance

Confirm the provider's data governance policies are in line with your organization's regulatory requirements and standards.

Support System

Evaluate the cloud provider’s support system and ensure it meets your expectations in terms of responsiveness and technical expertise.