AWS VM Setup Guide

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to launching and configuring a virtual machine (VM) in Amazon Web Services (AWS). It covers the process from selecting the appropriate AWS service to configuring your virtual machine for use.

Step 1: Account Login

Log into your AWS Management Console using your account credentials. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one at the AWS website.

Step 2: Service Selection

Navigate to the AWS Services section and select 'EC2' to manage and launch virtual machines in the cloud.

Step 3: Launch Instance

Click on 'Launch Instance' to start the process of creating a new virtual machine. This will take you to the instance setup wizard.

Step 4: Choose AMI

Select an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that serves as the template for your virtual machine, based on your operating system and application requirement.

Step 5: Select Instance Type

Choose an instance type that fits your performance and budget needs. Each type has different combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity.

Step 6: Configure Instance

Configure your instance settings such as network, IAM roles, and monitoring. You can also add storage, tags, and configure security group settings.

Step 7: Review

Review all your configurations to ensure they meet your requirements. You can go back to edit any settings if needed.

Step 8: Launch VM

Upon confirmation of your settings, click the 'Launch' button. You will be prompted to create or select an existing key pair to secure your instance. After creating/selecting the key pair, your instance will start launching.

Step 9: Connect

After the instance has been launched and its status checks have passed, connect to the VM using an SSH client (for Linux) or Remote Desktop (for Windows), utilizing the instance's public DNS/IP and your key pair.

General Notes

Key Pair

Keep your key pair secure; it is essential for accessing your virtual machine. Without it, you cannot connect to the instance you've launched.

Cost Management

Always monitor your AWS usage to manage costs effectively. AWS provides a cost management dashboard to help track and budget your usage.

Instance Types

Amazon EC2 offers different instance types that are optimized for various use cases. Be sure to select the one that best fits your needs to avoid overpaying for unnecessary resources.