Household Pest Prevention & Management

This playbook outlines strategies for preventing common household pests by maintaining cleanliness and sealing the home. It also provides guidance on how to manage pests if they do infiltrate the home.

Step 1: Inspection

Inspect your home for any potential entry points for pests, such as cracks in the foundation, gaps around windows and doors, and holes where utilities enter the home. Ensure that these are properly sealed.

Step 2: Sanitation

Maintain a clean home by regularly vacuuming, wiping down surfaces, disposing of garbage promptly, and not leaving out food products or crumbs. A clean environment is less attractive to pests.

Step 3: Storage

Store food in sealed containers and keep them in secure cabinets or the refrigerator. Ensure that pet food is not left out for long periods and that water sources are not readily available to pests.

Step 4: Exclusion

Use physical barriers such as screens on windows and doors, door sweeps, and appropriate sealants to block potential entry points discovered during inspection.

Step 5: Monitoring

Regularly check for signs of pest activity including droppings, damage to food packages, and any sightings of the pests themselves. This will help you respond quickly if an infestation begins to develop.

Step 6: Control

If pests are detected, identify the pest to determine the best method of control. This may include setting traps, using bait stations, or applying pest-specific treatments. Consider consulting a professional for severe infestations.

General Notes

Natural deterrents

Consider using natural deterrents and repellents like peppermint oil, vinegar, or diatomaceous earth for minor pest issues, especially in areas where children and pets frequent.

Professional help

For persistent or large-scale infestations, professional pest control services may be needed for safe and effective eradication of the pests.