Efficient Laundry Management

This playbook outlines a sequence of steps for streamlining the laundry process. It covers sorting, washing, drying, folding, and storing to ensure efficient management of laundry tasks.

Step 1: Sorting

Sort laundry into separate piles based on color, fabric type, and care instructions. Make categories for whites, darks, lights, delicates, and heavily soiled items.

Step 2: Pre-Treating

Inspect sorted laundry for stains and pre-treat them with a stain remover or a homemade solution before washing.

Step 3: Loading Washer

Load one category of sorted laundry into the washer, being careful not to overload. Distribute items evenly to maintain balance.

Step 4: Choosing Detergent

Select an appropriate laundry detergent based on the type of fabric and washing instructions. Consider specialized detergents for delicates or high-efficiency machines if necessary.

Step 5: Washing Settings

Set your washing machine to the correct cycle, temperature, and water level for the load. Use gentle cycles for delicates and stronger cycles for heavily soiled items.

Step 6: Drying

After washing, place laundry in the dryer with an appropriate dryer sheet or wool dryer balls, or hang to air dry. Choose the right heat setting or time for the fabric type to avoid shrinkage or damage.

Step 7: Folding

Once dry, fold or hang your laundry promptly to minimize wrinkles. Group items by type or by the person to whom they belong to streamline the process.

Step 8: Storing

Put away folded laundry into designated drawers, closets, or storage areas. Use organization techniques such as filing folding or rolling to maximize space and maintain order.

General Notes

Routine Schedule

Establish a routine schedule for doing laundry to prevent pile-up. Decide on specific days of the week for this task to maintain consistency.


Regularly clean and maintain your washing machine and dryer to ensure they operate efficiently. This includes wiping down surfaces and checking for lint build-up in the dryer.

Energy Savings

To save on energy bills, consider using cold water washes when appropriate and drying loads consecutively to take advantage of an already warm dryer. If possible, line-dry laundry to conserve energy.