Managing Psoriasis

This playbook outlines the procedure for treating psoriasis and maintaining overall skin health. It includes recommendations for medical treatment, trigger identification and avoidance, and stress management techniques.

Step 1: Medical Consultation

Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist or healthcare provider to discuss your psoriasis condition and explore treatment options.

Step 2: Treatment Plan

Work with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized treatment plan that may include topical treatments, phototherapy, or systemic medications.

Step 3: Trigger Identification

Identify potential psoriasis triggers by keeping a detailed journal of your daily activities, diet, and flare-ups to find patterns that may suggest what to avoid.

Step 4: Trigger Avoidance

Actively avoid identified triggers, which could include certain foods, weather conditions, skin injuries or stress.

Step 5: Stress Management

Implement stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, regular exercise, or any other activities that reduce stress.

Step 6: Skin Care Routine

Develop a daily skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, moisturizing with products suitable for sensitive skin, and avoiding harsh soaps or chemicals.

Step 7: Ongoing Monitoring

Regularly monitor your skin for any changes or signs of a flare-up, and adjust your treatment plan as necessary in consultation with your healthcare provider.

General Notes

Healthy Diet

Maintain a balanced and healthy diet, as good nutrition can support skin health and possibly reduce psoriasis symptoms.


Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water as this can help keep skin moist and potentially lessen psoriasis outbreaks.

Regular Follow-ups

Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.