Senior Cat Care

This playbook outlines the necessary steps to care for senior cats. It covers health monitoring, dietary adjustments, and providing comfort to enhance the well-being of aging feline companions.

Step 1: Health Check

Schedule regular vet visits for your senior cat to monitor their health. Professionals can provide precise advice tailored to your cat's specific needs.

Step 2: Nutrition Plan

Consult with your veterinarian to adjust your cat's diet. Older cats may need food that's easier to digest and supports joint health.

Step 3: Hydration

Ensure that your senior cat has constant access to clean water. Dehydration is more dangerous for older cats and can lead to health issues.

Step 4: Comfortable Bedding

Provide soft, easily accessible bedding to help alleviate joint pain and allow for restful sleep.

Step 5: Accessible Litter

Make sure the litter box is easy for your senior cat to get into and out of. This may involve purchasing a box with lower sides or placing a ramp.

Step 6: Exercise

Encourage gentle play and exercise to help maintain muscle tone and flexibility.

Step 7: Mental Stimulation

Keep your senior cat mentally active with toys and interaction to prevent boredom and maintain cognitive health.

Step 8: Pain Management

Watch for signs of pain or discomfort and consult your vet for appropriate pain management strategies, which can include medication, supplements, or physical therapy.

General Notes


Take note of any changes in behavior, appetite, or litter box usage, as these can be early signs of health issues.


Senior cats may struggle with grooming, so assist them by gently brushing their coat and trimming their nails as needed.

Temperature Control

Older cats are more sensitive to temperature changes, so ensure a warm and draft-free environment.