Cat-Friendly Home Setup

This playbook provides a guide for cat owners to create a comfortable and stimulating environment for their cats at home. It includes steps on arranging safe perches, installing scratching posts, and designating play areas.

Step 1: Choose Locations

Identify specific areas in your home where you can set up perches, scratching posts, and play areas. Consider where your cat spends most of its time and choose locations that can be easily integrated into your living space without causing obstruction.

Step 2: Install Perches

Install cat perches near windows or in quiet corners to provide safe and elevated spots for your cat to rest and observe its surroundings. Ensure they are securely fastened and can hold your cat's weight.

Step 3: Set up Scratchers

Strategically place scratching posts or scratch pads in areas your cat frequents, such as near their bed or along their usual walking paths. This encourages natural scratching behavior in designated spots, protecting your furniture.

Step 4: Designate Play Areas

Create designated play areas by clearing a small space free of fragile items. Introduce toys that encourage pouncing, chasing, and jumping to engage your cat's hunting instincts and promote exercise.

Step 5: Add Toys

Stock up on a variety of toys such as balls, feather wands, and interactive toys to provide mental and physical stimulation. Rotate the toys regularly to keep your cat's interest.

General Notes

Safety Check

Constantly monitor and maintain the designated areas and items for wear and tear. Replace anything that is damaged to prevent your cat from ingesting loose particles or getting injured by broken parts.


Observe your cat's behavior and preferences. Make adjustments to the layout and placement of items to better suit your cat’s habits and ensure maximum comfort and enjoyment.