Cat Flea & Tick Prevention

This playbook outlines the steps required to prevent and treat flea and tick infestations in cats. It includes preventive measures to protect your cat from these pests and details on treatments if an infestation occurs.

Step 1: Consult Vet

Consult with a veterinarian to discuss your cat's specific needs and the most suitable flea and tick prevention products or methods.

Step 2: Choose Preventive

Select a preventive treatment for fleas and ticks, which may include topical treatments, oral medications, collars, sprays, or shampoos designed specifically for cats.

Step 3: Apply Treatment

Carefully apply the preventive treatment to your cat as instructed by the product's guidelines or your vet's recommendations. This may involve applying topical solutions to the skin, giving oral medication, or fitting a collar.

Step 4: Maintain Schedule

Create and adhere to a regular treatment schedule to maintain continuous protection against fleas and ticks, as infestations can occur year-round.

Step 5: Monitor Health

Regularly check your cat for signs of flea or tick infestation, such as excessive scratching, red or irritated skin, or the presence of fleas, flea dirt, or ticks.

Step 6: Address Infestation

If an infestation is detected, immediately consult your vet for treatment options. These may include stronger medications, thorough cleaning of your cat's environment, or additional products to eliminate pests.

Step 7: Clean Environment

Frequently wash your cat's bedding, vacuum carpets, and clean the home to remove existing fleas and ticks and prevent future infestations.

General Notes


Ensure that any product used is safe for cats and follow dosage instructions since some products for dogs can be toxic to cats.

Product Use

Never mix flea and tick products unless advised by your vet, as this can be harmful.

Outdoor Safety

Consider keeping your cat indoors or supervise outdoor activities to reduce the risk of flea and tick exposure.