Cat Care Travel Planning

This playbook outlines the necessary steps to ensure proper care for your cat while you're traveling. It details the process of evaluating different cat care options such as hiring pet sitters, using boarding facilities, and preparing your cat and your home for the time you'll be away.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate your cat’s needs including diet, medication, social interaction, and daily routine to determine the level of care required during your absence.

Step 2: Research

Investigate local pet sitters and boarding facilities. Look for reviews, certifications, and recommendations to find a reliable service.

Step 3: Visit

If considering a boarding facility, visit the location to assess the cleanliness, space, and the attitude of the staff towards the animals.

Step 4: Interview

Meet with potential pet sitters to gauge their experience and compatibility with your cat. Discuss your cat's routine and any special care instructions.

Step 5: Emergency Plan

Prepare an emergency plan including your contact information, a local emergency contact, and the veterinarian’s info. Share this with your chosen caretaker.

Step 6: Trial Period

Consider a trial run with the chosen sitter or boarding facility to see how your cat adjusts and to ensure your expectations are met.

Step 7: Instructions

Leave detailed written instructions for the caretaker. Include feeding times, medication procedures, litter box maintenance, and any specific behaviors to watch for.

Step 8: Prepare Home

Ensure your home is safe and comfortable for your cat. This might include securing windows, setting up timed feeders or automatic litter boxes, and providing plenty of fresh water.

Step 9: Settle In

If your cat is being cared for at home, help them settle in with the new caretaker by having a familiarization session with you present before you leave.

Step 10: Final Check

Before departing, double-check that you have provided all necessary supplies such as food, litter, toys, and any special items your cat may need.

Step 11: Stay Connected

While away, maintain communication with your cat's caretaker to monitor your pet's well-being and provide additional support if needed.

General Notes

Veterinarian Info

Make sure the caretaker has your veterinarian's contact information and knows the location of the clinic.

Secure Valuables

If a pet sitter is coming to your home, secure any valuables and personal items that you do not want them to access.

Legal Permissions

Ensure that your pet sitter or boarding facility has the legal permission to care for your pet, especially in case of emergency procedures.