Negotiating Job Offers

This playbook provides a structured approach to negotiating job offers. It outlines strategies for discussing salary, benefits, and other terms to ensure a favorable result in job offer negotiations.

Step 1: Preparation

Research salary ranges for the position in your industry and region. Understand your worth by assessing your experience, skills, and education. Determine your minimum acceptable salary and prioritize your benefits based on your personal and professional needs.

Step 2: Initial Response

Express enthusiasm for the offer, thanking the employer for the opportunity. Indicate your intention to review the terms carefully without immediately accepting or negotiating.

Step 3: Assess Offer

Review the job offer in detail, evaluating the salary, benefits, work schedule, job responsibilities, and growth opportunities. Compare with your research and personal requirements.

Step 4: Prioritize Concerns

Identify aspects of the offer that are satisfactory and those that need improvement. Rank these elements in order of importance to provide a structure to your negotiation.

Step 5: Schedule Negotiation

Request a meeting or call with the employer or recruiter to discuss the offer. Choose a time when you both can have a focused and uninterrupted conversation.

Step 6: Negotiate Effectively

During the negotiation, be polite and professional. Use your research to support your requests, and be prepared to provide justifications for the salary and benefits you are seeking. Show flexibility and be open to creative solutions that meet your priorities.

Step 7: Evaluate Counteroffer

Review any counteroffers received with consideration to your established priorities. Take the time you need to make an informed decision without feeling pressured to respond immediately.

Step 8: Final Decision

Accept the offer if it meets your needs, or decline politely if it does not. If you accept, request the final offer in writing. If declining, do so in a manner that keeps the door open for future opportunities.

General Notes


Prepare responses and practice negotiation conversations beforehand. Role-playing with a trusted peer or mentor can be very helpful.


If you have multiple job offers, you may use them as leverage in negotiations. However, do so tactfully and without giving the impression that you are playing one offer against another.

Professional Boundaries

Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the negotiation process. Personal emotions and sentiments should not drive your decisions or communication style.