Identifying Transferable Skills

This playbook provides a detailed guide on recognizing and leveraging transferable skills. It assists individuals in understanding how to identify the skills they possess that are valuable across different industries and career paths.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Perform a self-assessment to list all skills and experiences. Consider work experiences, volunteer roles, projects, hobbies, and educational backgrounds.

Step 2: Categorize Skills

Categorize the listed skills into technical (hard) skills, and interpersonal (soft) skills.

Step 3: Highlight Universal

Underline or highlight skills that are universal and applicable in multiple job sectors such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Step 4: Compare Job Descriptions

Review job descriptions in different industries and highlight any of your skills that are commonly requested. Keep an eye for synonyms of your skills that might be described differently in postings.

Step 5: Consult Professionals

Seek feedback from mentors, peers, or professionals in the industry to understand which of your skills are most valued and transferable.

Step 6: Update Materials

Update your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile to emphasize these transferable skills, tailoring them to the job or industry you are targeting.

Step 7: Continuous Learning

Stay committed to lifelong learning and skill development to keep your transferable skills relevant and up-to-date.

General Notes

Skill Evolution

Note that as industries evolve, certain skills may become more or less transferable. Regularly revisit and reassess your skills set.


Networking can provide insights into how others perceive the value of your skills and which ones to hone or highlight for different career paths.