Career Self-Assessment

This playbook outlines the procedure for conducting a self-assessment to gain a deeper understanding of personal career interests and skills. It is designed to aid individuals in making informed decisions about their career development.

Step 1: Goal Setting

Identify specific career goals or areas of interest that you would like to explore or develop further.

Step 2: Tool Selection

Choose appropriate self-assessment tools that align with your career interests and the competencies you wish to evaluate. Popular tools include personality tests, skills assessments, and interest inventories.

Step 3: Self-Assessment

Complete the selected self-assessment tools. Ensure you provide honest answers to get the most accurate insights.

Step 4: Analysis

Review the results from the self-assessment tools to identify key themes about your interests, strengths, and potential areas for development.

Step 5: Reflection

Reflect on the assessment results. Consider how the identified competencies and interests align with your current career path or goals.

Step 6: Action Plan

Develop a realistic action plan based on your self-assessment results. Set short-term and long-term goals, and outline steps to enhance your skills or explore new career opportunities.

Step 7: Progress Review

Periodically review your goals and the progress you've made. Adjust your action plan as necessary to reflect any new insights or changes in your career aspirations.

General Notes

Continuous Process

Remember, career development is a continuous process. Regularly revisiting your self-assessment can provide fresh perspectives and help guide your career path.


Keep a record of your self-assessment results and action plans. This documentation can serve as a valuable reference for future assessments and career decisions.