Financial Emergency Plan

This playbook provides a structured approach to creating a financial plan for unexpected emergencies or job loss. The steps guide you through the process of evaluating your current financial situation, setting aside emergency funds, and developing a comprehensive plan to ensure financial stability in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Step 1: Assess Finances

Review and document your current financial situation including all sources of income, monthly expenses, debts, and assets. This will give you a clear starting point for understanding what resources you have and what liabilities you may need to address.

Step 2: Build Budget

Create a monthly budget that outlines your necessary expenses. This should help you identify non-essential expenses that could be reduced or eliminated, freeing up more money to set aside for emergencies.

Step 3: Emergency Fund

Determine the amount needed for an emergency fund, typically 3-6 months' worth of living expenses, and establish a plan for setting aside this money in a separate, easily accessible account.

Step 4: Reduce Debt

Develop a strategy to reduce existing debt, especially high-interest debt like credit card balances. Reducing these liabilities will decrease your monthly expenses and increase the amount you can allocate to your emergency fund.

Step 5: Review Insurance

Ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage, including health, home, auto, and possibly life or disability insurance. This helps protect against financial losses due to unforeseen events.

Step 6: Income Plan

Identify potential alternative sources of income that can be used in case of job loss, such as part-time work, freelancing, or other side gigs.

Step 7: Emergency Plan

Formulate an emergency plan for different scenarios such as medical emergencies, natural disasters, or extended unemployment. Determine what steps you would take and what resources you would draw upon in each situation.

Step 8: Regularly Review

Commit to regularly reviewing and updating your financial emergency plan at least once a year or whenever there is a significant change in your financial situation.

General Notes


Keep all financial documents organized and accessible, including account numbers, insurance policies, and personal identification documents.

Professional Advice

Consider seeking advice from financial advisors or counselors to ensure your plan is robust and takes into account all potential risks and opportunities.