Updating Old Blog Posts

This playbook outlines the steps to review and refresh old blog posts, ensuring the information is accurate and current, while also improving SEO and overall relevance.

Step 1: Identify Posts

Review your blog's archive to identify posts that are outdated or possibly contain inaccurate information. Prioritize posts based on their traffic and their relevance to your current content strategy.

Step 2: Analyze Content

Read through the identified posts thoroughly. Look for parts that need updating, such as outdated statistics, no longer available resources, or references to past events as current.

Step 3: Check SEO

Analyze the current SEO performance of the post. Use SEO tools to check keywords, meta descriptions, and other SEO-related factors to see if they need optimization.

Step 4: Update Content

Rewrite or add new sections to refresh the post. Update statistics, links, and any dated information to make it current. Ensure that the content matches the current user intent for the topic.

Step 5: Improve Visuals

Update or add new images, infographics, videos, or any other media elements that can enhance the post's visual appeal and complement the updated content.

Step 6: Optimize for SEO

Adjust the post's title, headings, and meta description to include relevant keywords. Ensure that on-page optimization follows best practices.

Step 7: Internal Linking

Include links to newer relevant posts or pages to improve the site's internal linking structure which can help with SEO and provide value to the reader.

Step 8: Proofread

Thoroughly proofread the updated post to correct any spelling or grammatical errors, and to ensure that the flow of the post remains consistent.

Step 9: Update Publish Date

Change the publish date of the blog post to reflect the recent update. This often brings renewed visibility to the post and indicates fresh content to search engines.

Step 10: Promote Post

After updating, promote the post through social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to let your audience know about the refreshed content.

General Notes

Content Strategy

Ensure that changes align with your overall content strategy, maintaining consistency and relevance with your brand’s message.

Schedule Regular Reviews

Implement a regular schedule for reviewing old posts to keep all content current and engaging for your audience.

Track Performance

Monitor the analytics of updated posts regularly to track the performance improvements from the updates. Use this data to inform future content updates.