Guest Blogging Process

This playbook details a step-by-step guide designed for writing and submitting guest blog posts. The objective is to leverage guest blogging opportunities for expanding reach and establishing thought leadership.

Step 1: Research

Identify and compile a list of potential blogs or websites for guest posting that are relevant to your industry or subject matter expertise. Look for platforms with a substantial and engaged audience.

Step 2: Criteria

Review the guest posting guidelines for each identified site. Pay attention to content criteria, formatting rules, and submission processes to ensure that your post meets their standards.

Step 3: Topic Selection

Develop unique and compelling blog post ideas that will provide value to the target blog's audience. Ensure that the topics align with both your and the host blog's branding and content strategy.

Step 4: Pitch

Prepare a concise pitch for the blog owner or editor, highlighting the proposed topic's relevance and potential benefit to their audience. Include a brief outline or key points you plan to cover in your guest blog.

Step 5: Write

Compose the guest blog post while adhering to the host's guidelines. Focus on delivering quality content that engages the audience and demonstrates your expertise on the subject matter.

Step 6: Edit

Thoroughly proofread and edit the blog post. It’s useful to have a peer review your work for additional feedback. Ensure the post is polished, clear, and free of errors before submission.

Step 7: Submit

Submit your guest blog post to the host site following their specified submission guidelines. Include a brief note reiterating your appreciation for the opportunity to contribute.

Step 8: Follow-Up

After submitting, if you don't receive a response in the expected timeframe, send a polite follow-up email. Be patient and professional as editors often have busy schedules.

Step 9: Promote

Upon publication, promote the guest blog post through your own marketing channels, such as social media, newsletters, and personal website, to drive traffic and show appreciation for the host platform.

Step 10: Engage

Monitor the guest post for comments and engage with the readers. Responding to comments can further establish your authority on the topic and build relationships with the host site's audience.

General Notes


Throughout the process, maintain professional and courteous communication with the host blog's representatives. Good relationships can lead to more guest blogging opportunities.


Ensure all the content you submit is original and has not been published elsewhere to avoid duplicity and copyright issues.


Prepare a short author bio that includes a link back to your professional site or social media profile. The bio will accompany your guest post and assist in establishing your credibility and online presence.