Qigong Energy Exercises

This playbook describes the sequence of steps involved in practicing Qigong to enhance energy and vitality. It covers foundational exercises, breath control techniques, and guidance for integrating Qigong into everyday routines.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Begin with a warm-up to loosen up the joints and muscles and to prepare the body for practice. Gentle stretching and basic movements that involve the head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, and ankles should be included.

Step 2: Stance Training

Adopt the correct Qigong stance, also known as the 'Horse stance'. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, the spine is erect, and arms relaxed. This foundational position improves stability and grounding.

Step 3: Breath Work

Practice deep abdominal breathing. Inhale slowly through the nose, allowing the abdomen to expand, and then exhale through the mouth, letting the abdomen contract. Focus on making the breath smooth and even.

Step 4: Foundational Movements

Perform a series of Qigong movements, such as 'lifting the sky', 'pushing the waves', or 'flowing motion'. These exercises help to cultivate energy and should be executed with mindful awareness, integrating breath and movement.

Step 5: Energy Flow

End your practice by focusing on directing the flow of Qi, or life energy, through the body. Visualize energy moving through you, dissolving blockages and invigorating the body with vitality.

Step 6: Cooldown

Conclude with a cool-down session. This might involve standing meditation, slower movements, or gentle stretching to help the body settle and absorb the benefits of the practice.

Step 7: Consistent Practice

Integrate Qigong exercises into your daily routine. Consistency is key to experiencing the health benefits, so aim to practice at the same time each day, whether it's morning, afternoon, or evening.

General Notes

Comfortable Clothing

Wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat shoes, or practice barefoot to allow for unrestricted movement.

Personal Limits

Respect your body's limits. Do not strain or overexert. Qigong is about gentle movements and self-awareness.


Maintaining proper posture throughout the exercises is vital to ensure energy flow and to prevent injury.