Full Moon Release Ritual

This playbook describes the steps to perform a full moon release ritual, involving reflection, meditation, and intention setting. It focuses on personal growth and emotional release aligned with the lunar cycle.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather the materials needed for the ritual, including candles, matches, paper, a pen, and a quiet, comfortable space. Cleanse the area, physically and energetically, to create a sacred space.

Step 2: Reflection

Spend some time reflecting on the past lunar cycle. Identify the habits, relationships or thoughts you wish to release. Write these down on a piece of paper.

Step 3: Meditation

Light the candles and sit in a meditative pose. Focus on your breath and enter a meditative state. Visualize the full moon's light bathing and purifying you, aiding in letting go of the written limitations.

Step 4: Intention Setting

After meditation, think about what you want to draw into your life. Write down your positive intentions for the new lunar cycle.

Step 5: Releasing

Safely burn the paper with your limitations, symbolizing their release. As it burns, imagine those aspects dissolving and leaving your life.

Step 6: Closing Ritual

To close the ritual, give thanks to the full moon and any higher power you believe in. Extinguish the candles safely. Spend a few moments in silence, acknowledging the fresh start you've created.

General Notes


Ensure to perform the ritual in a well-ventilated area and have a fireproof container on hand when burning paper.


Perform the ritual on the night of the full moon for the strongest alignment with lunar energies.