Bach Flower Remedies Use

This playbook guides through the process of selecting and using Bach Flower Remedies to address emotional imbalances. It includes the steps for understanding, choosing, and applying the essences for emotional healing.

Step 1: Learning Basics

Learn about Bach Flower Remedies and how they relate to emotions. Dr. Edward Bach discovered 38 remedies that correspond to a range of emotional states. Study resources include books, websites, or workshops.

Step 2: Identify Emotions

Reflect on your current emotional state or the emotional issues you wish to address. Be as honest and specific as possible to identify the underlying emotions.

Step 3: Select Remedies

Using the information about the 38 remedies, choose the flower essences that align with your identified emotional states. A combination of up to seven can be used at once.

Step 4: Obtain Remedies

Purchase the selected Bach Flower Remedies. Look for reputable sources, such as health food stores or online vendors, to ensure the quality of the essences.

Step 5: Prepare Dosage Bottle

Fill a 30ml dropper bottle with spring water, adding two drops of each selected remedy. If preserving for long-term use, add a teaspoon of brandy or apple cider vinegar.

Step 6: Administer Remedies

Take four drops of the mixture directly on the tongue or in a glass of water, four times a day. Continue until emotional equilibrium is restored.

Step 7: Assess Progress

Regularly reflect on your emotional state to evaluate if the remedies are effective. Adjust the selection as needed, and discontinue when you feel balanced.

General Notes


Consider consulting a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner for guidance on selecting the most appropriate remedies.


Store the remedies in a cool, dry place away from strong scents and electronic devices to preserve their quality.

No Side Effects

Bach Flower Remedies are generally considered safe and without side effects, but if you have concerns, consult with a healthcare professional.