Hang Gliding Introduction

This playbook outlines the essential steps for beginning hang gliders. It provides guidance on understanding the sport, obtaining proper training, adhering to safety protocols, and executing the first flight.

Step 1: Research

Start by researching hang gliding. Look up information on what hang gliding involves, the different styles of hang gliders, and the basic principles of flight. Read about others' experiences and watch videos to get a feel for the sport.

Step 2: Training

Enroll in a hang gliding training program. Make sure the program is certified by the appropriate governing body for hang gliding in your region. Training will typically include ground school to understand the technical and safety aspects and then progress to practice flights.

Step 3: Equipment

Acquire the necessary hang gliding equipment. This typically includes the glider, harness, helmet, and sometimes a reserve parachute. Ensure all equipment is safety-certified and fits properly.

Step 4: Pre-Flight

Pre-flight checks and preparation are crucial. Learn how to inspect your hang glider for any damage or wear, check the weather conditions, and plan your flight accordingly.

Step 5: Safety Measures

Understand and apply all safety measures. This includes learning how to properly use safety gear, understanding the rules of the air, recognizing appropriate weather conditions, and knowing emergency procedures.

Step 6: First Flight

Under instructor supervision, make your first flight. Start with short, low altitude glides to gain confidence and gradually progress to higher and longer flights as your skill improves.

General Notes

Physical Fitness

Ensure you are in good physical condition for hang gliding. The sport requires a moderate level of strength and endurance.

Continuous Learning

Hang gliding is a learning-intensive sport. Commit to continuous education and learning, especially regarding safety. Regularly re-evaluate your knowledge and skills.