Utilizing Community Learning Resources

This playbook provides a guide on how to make use of local community resources such as libraries and community centers for adult education. It outlines the steps for identifying and accessing these resources to support learning and development.

Step 1: Research Options

Investigate local libraries, community centers, and online public directories to gather information about available educational resources.

Step 2: Visit Libraries

Go to nearby libraries and speak with librarians to learn about their resources, workshops, study groups, and educational materials for adult learners.

Step 3: Explore Centers

Visit community centers to find out about classes, lectures, and programs they offer that can aid in adult education.

Step 4: Check Eligibility

Inquire about the eligibility criteria for various programs and resources to ensure you can benefit from them.

Step 5: Register

Complete any necessary registration for access to resources or enrollment in programs or workshops.

Step 6: Participate

Actively engage in the educational opportunities available—attend classes, join study groups, and utilize learning materials.

Step 7: Network

Connect with educators, fellow learners, and community members to expand your support system and discover additional learning opportunities.

Step 8: Review Progress

Periodically assess your learning progress and the effectiveness of the resources and adjust your strategy as needed.

General Notes


Ensure that the community resources you intend to use are accessible and accommodative of any special needs you may have.

Online Resources

Don’t overlook the potential of online community resources, including virtual workshops, webinars, and forums, which can also support your education.


Consider volunteering at local community institutions, as it can provide additional learning opportunities and enhance your involvement in the community.


After attending programs or using resources, provide feedback to the organizations to help them improve and better serve the community.