Understanding PLA Processes

This playbook details the steps involved in the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), which recognizes and awards academic credits for individuals' work and life experiences. It aims to streamline the education process by potentially reducing the time and cost associated with obtaining a degree or certification.

Step 1: Research

Investigate if your educational institution offers PLA credits. Review the institution's PLA policies, types of experiences eligible for credit, and the PLA application process.

Step 2: Documentation

Gather documentation of your work and life experiences. This may include resumes, job descriptions, certificates, licenses, military service records, or proof of participation in training workshops.

Step 3: Assessment

Complete any assessments required by the institution to evaluate your prior learning. Assessments may be in the form of standardized tests, portfolio submissions, interviews, or practical examinations.

Step 4: Submission

Submit your PLA application along with all required documentation and assessment results to the designated office or individual in charge of the PLA process at your institution.

Step 5: Follow-up

After submission, stay in contact with the PLA coordinator or office to track the progress of your application and respond promptly to any requests for additional information.

Step 6: Evaluation

The institution will evaluate your application against their criteria for granting PLA credits. Prepare to provide any supplementary information they may require during this step.

Step 7: Credit Awarding

Once the evaluation is complete, the institution will inform you of any credits awarded. Review the decision, and if necessary, inquire about the process for appealing or re-evaluating the decision.

General Notes

PLA Costs

Be aware that some institutions may charge a fee for the PLA process, including assessments and evaluations.


The PLA process can vary in duration. Ensure you allot sufficient time before any registration deadlines for tuition credits to be applied.

Credit Limits

Check with the institution on any limits to the number or type of credits that can be obtained through PLA, as this may impact your academic planning.