Networking for Adult Learners

This playbook outlines strategic steps for adult learners to build and maintain professional relationships and networks. It focuses on the development of networking skills and strategies for creating impactful professional connections.

Step 1: Goal Setting

Define clear networking goals aligned with your professional aspirations. Determine what you hope to achieve such as industry knowledge, mentorship, or career opportunities.

Step 2: Research

Identify relevant events, organizations, and platforms where professionals in your field engage. Research key individuals within your industry to target for connections.

Step 3: Develop Skills

Work on communication and social skills critical for networking, such as active listening, clear articulation of ideas, and appropriate body language.

Step 4: Craft Pitch

Prepare a brief and compelling personal pitch that communicates who you are, what you do, and what value you offer to prospective contacts.

Step 5: Engage Online

Utilize professional social networks like LinkedIn to create a professional profile, connect with industry peers, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions.

Step 6: Attend Events

Participate in networking events, workshops, and seminars. Be proactive in introducing yourself to others and exchanging contact information.

Step 7: Follow-Up

After meeting new contacts, follow up with a personalized message reflecting on the conversation and expressing interest in keeping in touch.

Step 8: Nurture Relationships

Regularly maintain contact with your network through various touchpoints such as sharing relevant articles, congratulating on achievements, or setting up one-to-one meetings.

Step 9: Offer Value

Be an asset to your contacts by providing support, sharing opportunities, and making introductions. This reciprocal approach encourages strong and lasting relationships.

Step 10: Reflect and Adapt

Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of your networking strategy. Reflect on successes, failures, and any new goals you want to pursue. Adjust your approach as needed.

General Notes

Continuous Learning

Networking skills can always be improved. Stay updated on best practices and consider training or workshops to enhance your abilities.

Rejection Handling

Not all networking attempts will be successful. Learn to handle rejection positively and use it as an opportunity for growth and reflection.


Aim to build a diverse network that includes professionals from various backgrounds and levels of experience for a richer and more resourceful pool of contacts.