Creative Problem Solving Education

This playbook outlines the procedure for teaching adult students creative problem solving. It focuses on educational approaches to enhance critical and creative thinking skills that can be applied in various real-world situations.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Evaluate the current problem-solving skills of the adult students through surveys, interviews, or assessments to establish a baseline and tailor the program to their specific needs.

Step 2: Design Curriculum

Develop a curriculum that integrates problem-solving models, critical thinking exercises, and creative tasks. Ensure it is flexible and caters to adults' schedules and learning styles.

Step 3: Incorporate Theories

Incorporate educational theories and methods that promote cognitive development, such as experiential learning, cooperative learning, and Bloom's Taxonomy in the curriculum design.

Step 4: Implement Activities

Plan and execute interactive activities that encourage collaboration and brainstorming, such as group discussions, case studies, and simulation games.

Step 5: Utilize Technology

Employ technology, digital tools, and online resources to facilitate learning and simulate real-world problems for students to solve.

Step 6: Provide Resources

Supplement the program with resources such as reading materials, online tutorials, and guest lectures that provide diverse perspectives on problem-solving.

Step 7: Monitor Progress

Regularly assess the progress of the students through quizzes, project work, and reflective journals to provide feedback and adapt the approach as necessary.

Step 8: Encourage Reflection

Promote self-reflection after each problem-solving exercise to deepen learning and understanding of their thought processes and problem-solving strategies.

Step 9: Apply Skills

Encourage students to apply the skills learned to real-life scenarios, either through role-play or actual projects within their personal or professional lives.

Step 10: Evaluate Effectiveness

Conduct a final evaluation of the students' development in creative problem solving through comprehensive tests or practical assessments and compare it to the initial baseline.

General Notes


Ensure that the curriculum is adapted for adult learning, by accommodating varied schedules and considering the possibility of part-time learning or modular courses.

Cultural Sensitivity

Be aware of the cultural backgrounds of the students and incorporate culturally sensitive materials and examples that are relatable and respectful to everyone.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly update and improve the curriculum based on the latest research in adult education and feedback from participants to maintain relevance and effectiveness.