Effortless* step-by-step guides, SOPs, and process documentation with AI.

Transform your spoken instructions into clear and concise written steps. Perfect for sharing knowledge with others. Documentation and SOPs have never been so approachable.

* You do have to click a button or two.

Most businesses have a documentation problem. Documentation of tasks and processes is absolutely critical for an efficient and resilient organization. Without it, specific knowledge gets isolated to a few key team members. If they resign, retire, get fired, or take a leave of absence, there is no backup plan.

And yet, on most teams, documentation is poorly-written and outdated, or worst of all (and most likely), the documentation does not even exist. People do not have the time or are not good at writing documentation. And for it to be of any use, the documentation must be well-written, thoroughly reviewed, and regularly updated.

Everything may be running smoothly today, but tomorrow, a giant wrench could be thrown into the works.

But have no fear! PlaybookWriter solves this (in three simple steps):

Step 1

The human talks.

It's quite simple! Create a new playbook and provide that initial input a few different ways:

  • Record yourself talking about the process or task.
  • Upload an existing recording.
  • Import an existing video link (like YouTube, Loom, etc.).
  • Type a summary instead, if you don't feel like talking.

Choose whichever method works best for you, a human being. Talking is typically the most efficient method.

Note: This initial input should be unrehearsed, unpolished, and imperfect. (Seriously.)

Step 2

The AI writes.

PlaybookWriter will transform and organize your rambling thoughts into a beautiful set of step-by-step instructions and related notes using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

You provided the critical initial input by describing the process. With that information in hand, PlaybookWriter writes the documentation using a professional, consistent, and clear style, regardless of how unorganized your original thoughts were.

Of course, once written by the AI, you (the human) can go in and make manual updates to the documentation yourself too. Insert additional steps, edit or delete existing steps, etc.

Step 3

The AI reviews.

PlaybookWriter will review your playbook whenever you choose, giving it a "sanity check" of sorts, using advanced AI.

Specifically, this review will read through your documentation in isolation, and if there are steps that are confusing or contradictory, it will comment on those steps, communicating just that. It will also identify areas that simply need more details.

Based on this feedback, a human can edit steps and make adjustments to improve the documentation.

Imagine: Fully reviewed and polished documentation before sending it off to another human! (And once you do, those other humans can provide their own feedback too.)

Next step: Share the knowledge.

With a solid playbook in hand, you can share your knowledge with the world! Or just with your team. PlaybookWriter is simplifying how you create SOPs and documentation. It's not necessarily re-inventing where you store and access them.

You can get a shareable link to send to others. Or you can download the playbook as a PDF or Word document so you can store it with your existing SOPs and documentation. And to ensure that PlaybookWriter can integrate with literally any existing system, you can always copy the playbook (as markdown, text, or HTML) and paste it into your favorite word processor (like Word or Google Docs), CRM, or documentation system.

Whether you're explaining how to generate a monthly sales report or conduct an exit interview or process payroll or plan a corporate event , it's important to have your steps clearly documented.

PlaybookWriter will not only do that for you — it will also review and help you improve that documentation.


Processing Payroll

The responsibility of processing the payroll for a company is quite important. And so a standard set of procedures will help ensure that it's done consistently every pay period.

Under "feedback", notice how the Sanity Check feature asked a bunch of great questions to help clarify what this person should be doing. How many records should they spot-check, for example? What do we do if someone says they didn't receive their direct deposit?

If all of this was clearly cataloged in a playbook and if those issues were all resolved, think of how easily this payroll processing responsibility could be transitioned to another team member!


This example playbook was created from this audio description:


From that input, PlaybookWriter wrote a playbook with 6 steps.

View full example and playbook.

But wait, there's more!

It's readable.

The focus is on the content. There's no time for distractions.

You can collaborate.

The whole team can share, update, and improve the playbook.

All changes are tracked.

Every addition, modification, and deletion is recorded.

It's built for sharing.

Publish the playbook and share in an email, download as a file, etc.

It's easy to use.

This isn't brain surgery. These are the tools you need to document a process.

It saves time.

With so much time saved, you can grab that second cup.

Create a playbook for free. View more examples. Get a free account.