Elaborative Interrogation Technique

The Elaborative Interrogation Technique is a method to improve comprehension and promote deeper learning. It involves asking and answering detailed questions about the material studied to enhance understanding and retention.

Step 1: Content Review

Begin by thoroughly reviewing the material that you aim to understand deeply. Pay close attention to the main concepts and supporting details.

Step 2: Question Formulation

Create probing questions based on the content reviewed. Questions should explore why certain facts are true, the reasons behind the concepts, and the connections between different pieces of information.

Step 3: Research Answers

Investigate the answers to each question. This may involve going beyond the initial material and consulting additional sources for a more in-depth understanding.

Step 4: Answer Questions

Attempt to answer the questions in your own words. If you struggle to provide a clear answer, that may indicate an area where you need to improve your understanding.

Step 5: Review & Reflect

Review the answers and reflect on the new insights gained. Make connections to the original material and revise your understanding where necessary.

Step 6: Repeat Process

Repeat the process with new questions that emerge from increased understanding or as you progress further into the material.

General Notes

Active Engagement

Elaborative interrogation is effective because it requires active engagement with the material, which is crucial for deep learning.


Try to apply the information learned in real-world contexts or hypothetical scenarios to solidify your understanding.

Group Study

Consider using this technique in a study group where peers can challenge each other's understanding by posing additional questions.