Flood Zone Defense Plan

This playbook outlines a sequence of strategies for homeowners to safeguard their homes against potential flooding. It covers assessment, preparation, and protection measures to mitigate flooding risks.

Step 1: Risk Assessment

Evaluate the flood risk for your area by consulting flood maps, historical data, and local authorities to understand the likelihood and impact of a flood event.

Step 2: Insurance Review

Review your property insurance policy to ensure that it includes adequate coverage for flood damage, considering the purchase of additional flood insurance if necessary.

Step 3: Emergency Planning

Develop an evacuation plan, assemble an emergency kit, and create a communication strategy with family members in case of a flood threat.

Step 4: Property Modification

Implement structural changes to your home such as installing flood barriers, elevating utilities, and sealing basements to reduce the potential for flood damage.

Step 5: Landscaping

Adjust the surrounding landscape by grading the yard away from your house, installing rain barrels, and planting native vegetation to help absorb rainwater.

Step 6: Community Engagement

Participate in community flood defense efforts, such as sandbagging and storm drain clearance, to improve local resilience to flooding.

General Notes

Continuous Monitoring

Stay updated with weather forecasts and warnings from local authorities to anticipate and react promptly to flood warnings.


Keep a record of valuables, property improvements, and flood-related expenses for insurance claims and tax deduction purposes.