Business Analytics Data Collection

This playbook describes the sequential steps necessary for implementing data collection strategies in business analytics, focusing on collecting the right data, maintaining data quality, and preparing the data for analysis.

Step 1: Identify Needs

Determine the types of data needed for business analytics based on the objectives and goals of the analysis.

Step 2: Select Methods

Choose appropriate data collection methods (surveys, interviews, observations, etc.) aligned with the identified data needs.

Step 3: Design Protocols

Develop clear protocols for data collection, including instructions, training for collectors, and a timeline for the collection process.

Step 4: Collect Data

Execute the data collection process in accordance with the designed protocols, ensuring consistency and adherence to methods.

Step 5: Verify Quality

Conduct a preliminary data quality check, looking for accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the collected data.

Step 6: Store Data

Securely store the collected data, organizing it in a manner that facilitates easy access and analysis.

Step 7: Prepare Data

Prepare the data for analysis, which may include cleaning, transforming, or integrating with other data sources.

Step 8: Review Process

Evaluate the data collection process and make notes for future improvements or adjustments needed.

General Notes


Ensure that the data collection process is compliant with relevant data protection regulations like GDPR or HIPAA to protect personal information.

Data Ethics

Consider ethical implications of data collection and use, including informed consent and the potential impact on individuals and groups represented in the data.