Catering Management Tech

This playbook outlines the steps to utilize software and technology tools to enhance the management of bookings, menus, and customer relationships in the catering business.

Step 1: Research Tools

Investigate and compile a list of available catering management software that provides features for bookings, menu organization, and customer relationship management (CRM).

Step 2: Compare Features

Compare the features, pricing, and reviews of each software option to determine which best fits the business needs and budget constraints.

Step 3: Trial Period

Select a few top candidates and make use of trial periods to test each software's capabilities and ease of use.

Step 4: Gather Feedback

Collect feedback from team members who will be using the software to identify any potential issues or preferences.

Step 5: Make Decision

Decide on the most suitable catering management software based on the trial experiences and team feedback.

Step 6: Implement Software

Implement the chosen software into daily operations, setting up necessary components such as booking calendars, menu templates, and customer databases.

Step 7: Train Staff

Organize training sessions for staff to ensure they are proficient in using the new technology and understand the workflows.

Step 8: Monitor Progress

Regularly monitor how the software impacts the catering operations, making adjustments to workflows as needed and addressing any technical issues.

Step 9: Collect Feedback

Periodically collect feedback from customers and staff regarding the new system to continually optimize the process and software use.

Step 10: Update Regularly

Keep the software updated to its latest version to utilize new features and improvements while maintaining security and efficiency.

General Notes


Ensure regular backups of the software data to prevent data loss in the event of technical problems.

Customer Privacy

Maintain compliance with data protection regulations by securing customer information within the CRM components of the software.


Consider the potential for integrating the chosen software with existing systems, such as accounting tools or email marketing, for a seamless workflow.