Property Subdivision Process

The process details the legal steps required for subdividing property, ensuring compliance with local regulations and obtaining all necessary approvals.

Step 1: Research

Investigate local zoning laws and subdivision regulations to understand the limits and requirements for subdividing property in the area.

Step 2: Proposal

Develop a subdivision plan that includes the layout of lots, roads, and utility placement that adheres to the local regulations.

Step 3: Application

Submit a subdivision application along with the proposed plans and any other required documents to the local planning department or relevant governmental agency.

Step 4: Review

Participate in the review process, which may include public hearings, to address any concerns and modify the plan as recommended by the planning authorities.

Step 5: Approval

Obtain preliminary approval from the planning department, and ensure to address any conditions or modifications stipulated.

Step 6: Improvements

Complete any required improvements such as road construction, utility installation, or land grading, which may be necessary before final approval.

Step 7: Final Plan

Submit the final subdivision plan to the planning department, including documentation of completed improvements and compliance with all conditions set forth.

Step 8: Final Approval

Secure final approval for the subdivision from the local planning department. This typically includes having the final plat officially recorded.

Step 9: Record Plat

Record the approved subdivision plat with the county registrar or appropriate local entity to make the subdivision official and public record.

General Notes

Consult Experts

Consider hiring experts such as land surveyors, urban planners, or lawyers specializing in real estate to assist with the subdivision process.

Budget Planning

Plan for potential costs associated with the subdivision process including application fees, infrastructure development, and professional services.


Subdivision can be a lengthy process; anticipate and prepare for the time it will take from planning to final approval.