Survival Fishing Techniques

This playbook outlines methods for catching fish in a survival scenario using limited resources or improvised equipment. It covers the basics of identifying potential fishing spots, creating makeshift fishing gear, and employing effective fishing strategies with minimal tools.

Step 1: Locate Water

Search for a body of water such as a lake, river, stream, or pond where fish may be present. Look for signs of fish activity, like jumping fish or aquatic insects that fish might feed on.

Step 2: Make Gear

Create makeshift fishing gear using available resources. This can include a simple line with a hook fashioned from a can tab or bone, a spear from a branch or using a net made from clothing or other fabric.

Step 3: Bait Gathering

Collect bait such as worms, insects, or small fish. Bait can be found under logs, rocks, or debris near the water's edge.

Step 4: Fishing Techniques

Use different fishing methods depending on the gear you've created:
- Line Fishing: Attach bait to your hook, cast the line, and wait for a fish to bite.
- Spear Fishing: Stand still in shallow water and use the spear to impale fish.
- Net Fishing: Use the net to scoop up fish, especially in shallow pools or when they are near the surface.

Step 5: Handle Catch

Once you catch a fish, handle it carefully. Remove the hook, spear, or extract it from the net. If you plan to eat the fish, kill it humanely, clean it by removing the guts, and cook it thoroughly to avoid parasites.

General Notes

Safety Precautions

When creating and using makeshift fishing gear, exercise caution to prevent injury. Also, ensure you're familiar with local regulations regarding fishing to avoid illegal poaching.


In a survival situation, prioritize the sustainability of the fish population. Take only what you need for sustenance and consider catch-and-release for fish that are not needed for immediate survival.


Fish are a valuable source of protein and nutrients in a survival situation. They can provide necessary sustenance to help maintain strength and energy levels.