Handling Difficult Conversations

This playbook provides a structured approach for managing difficult conversations effectively. It guides you on how to prepare, conduct, and conclude conversations that might be challenging, stressful, or confrontational with a stance of confidence and composure.

Step 1: Preparation

Spend time understanding the issue at hand. Reflect on the conversation's goals and the best possible outcomes. Also, consider the perspective of the other person and potential objections they may present.

Step 2: Setting

Choose a comfortable and private setting for the conversation. Ensure there will be minimal interruptions and the environment is conducive to an open and honest dialogue.

Step 3: Mindset

Prepare yourself emotionally by entering a calm and composed state. Practice empathy and maintain a mindset that the conversation is not adversarial but cooperative towards a solution.

Step 4: Timing

Select a time to have the conversation when both parties can be fully present and not rushed. Ensure that there is ample time allocated to address the matter fully.

Step 5: Opening

Start the conversation with a positive, respectful tone. Clearly state the purpose of the discussion and express your willingness to work together towards a resolution.

Step 6: Listening

Practice active listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying without interrupting. Show them that their viewpoints are being heard and considered.

Step 7: Dialogue

Engage in a constructive dialogue. Share your thoughts and concerns candidly yet respectfully. Encourage the other person to do the same.

Step 8: Problem-Solve

Work collaboratively to explore solutions to the issue. Stay open to the other person's suggestions and be willing to compromise when appropriate.

Step 9: Agreement

Once a solution is reached, clearly outline the agreement and the steps each party will take moving forward. Ensure mutual understanding and agreement.

Step 10: Follow-Up

Schedule a follow-up after the conversation to assess the progress of the resolution. This ensures accountability and the continued commitment to the agreed-upon solution.

General Notes


Difficult conversations can be emotionally taxing. Remember to take care of your mental and emotional well-being before and after such discussions.


It may be helpful to document key points of agreement or action items following the conversation to have a clear reference for the future.

Professional Help

If the conversation becomes too challenging to navigate, consider seeking the help of a mediator or professional counsellor to facilitate the discussion.