Business Contract Creation

This playbook provides a structured approach to crafting and negotiating business contracts. It covers the essential components necessary for legally binding agreements and provides strategies for effective negotiation.

Step 1: Preparation

Research all relevant information regarding the contract purpose, parties involved, and legal requirements. Ensure you have a good understanding of what both parties want to achieve.

Step 2: Drafting

Start by drafting the contract. Include key elements such as the identities of the parties, terms and conditions, scope of work, payment terms, duration, confidentiality clauses, and termination conditions.

Step 3: Review

Carefully review the draft to ensure all necessary clauses are covered and that there are no ambiguities. Make sure the language is clear and all definitions are understandable.

Step 4: Internal Approval

Before proceeding to negotiations, obtain internal approval from all necessary stakeholders within your organization.

Step 5: Negotiation

Engage in negotiations with the other party. Present your draft and be prepared for discussion and compromise on various terms. Use negotiation tactics to represent your interests effectively.

Step 6: Revision

Revise the contract based on feedback and negotiation outcomes. Ensure the changes reflect mutual understanding and agreements.

Step 7: Final Review

Conduct a final review of the contract to ensure all negotiated terms are accurately represented. Legal review is recommended to verify compliance with all laws and regulations.

Step 8: Execution

Once both parties agree on the final version of the contract, execute it by having it signed by the authorized representatives of both parties.

Step 9: Record Keeping

After execution, store the contract in a secure location and keep records of all versions and negotiation documentation for future reference.

General Notes

Legal Counsel

Consider involving legal counsel during the drafting and final review stages to minimize risks and ensure the contract adheres to all necessary legal standards.


Make sure all parties have a clear understanding of every aspect of the contract before it is executed.