Crisis Stakeholder Engagement

A guide for maintaining open and constructive communication with stakeholders during a crisis to ensure transparency and trust.

Step 1: Identify Stakeholders

Create a list of all stakeholders relevant to the crisis. This includes investors, employees, customers, suppliers, partners, and any other significant entities impacted by or involved in the crisis.

Step 2: Assess Needs

Determine the information needs and concerns of each stakeholder group. Assess what they need to know, what their expectations might be, and how the crisis affects them.

Step 3: Develop Messages

Craft clear, concise and consistent messages tailored to each stakeholder group. Ensure that the messages are truthful, address the concerns and needs of the stakeholders, and provide an outline of the steps being taken to manage the crisis.

Step 4: Choose Channels

Select the appropriate communication channels for each stakeholder group. These can include emails, press releases, social media, direct phone calls, online briefings or meetings.

Step 5: Execute Communication

Initiate the communication using the chosen channels. Make sure to document all communications for transparency and future reference.

Step 6: Monitor Feedback

Listen actively to the feedback from stakeholders. Set up channels for receiving feedback such as dedicated email addresses, hotlines, or social media monitoring.

Step 7: Evaluate & Adapt

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the communication efforts and the evolution of the crisis. Be prepared to adapt the communication strategy as needed to better address stakeholder concerns and the dynamic situation.

Step 8: Follow-Up

Provide ongoing updates to stakeholders as the situation progresses and as new information becomes available. Continue to address any new concerns that arise and reaffirm your commitment to transparency and management of the crisis.

General Notes

Legal Considerations

Always review communications with legal counsel to ensure compliance with any relevant laws and regulations.


Be mindful of the confidentiality of sensitive information. Ensure that only information that can be legally and ethically shared is communicated to stakeholders.

Mental Health

Recognize the emotional impact a crisis can have on stakeholders and consider providing support resources for mental health if applicable.