Eco-Friendly Beauty Transition

This playbook provides guidance on transitioning to a green beauty routine. It outlines steps to replace conventional beauty products with eco-friendly alternatives and strategies to minimize cosmetic waste.

Step 1: Inventory

Begin by taking inventory of your current beauty products. Sort them into categories like skincare, makeup, haircare, and others. Note the ones that are almost empty, as these will be the first to replace.

Step 2: Research

Research eco-friendly beauty brands that offer products with non-toxic ingredients, sustainable packaging, or refillable options. Look for certifications that back their eco-claims.

Step 3: Prioritize

Identify the products you use most frequently and prioritize replacing these first. This may include items such as deodorant, toothpaste, or daily moisturizer.

Step 4: Small Swaps

Start by making small swaps. Replace single-use items like cotton pads or face wipes with reusable alternatives such as cloth pads or biodegradable options.

Step 5: Bulk Buy

Consider buying in bulk or opting for refillable options where available. This reduces packaging waste and often saves money in the long run.

Step 6: Dispose Mindfully

As you phase out old products, dispose of them mindfully. Recycle containers if possible, and consider participating in a beauty product recycling program.

Step 7: Evaluate

Periodically evaluate your beauty routine and products. Consider if there are items you can do without or if there are better eco-friendly options available since your last purchase.

Step 8: Spread Awareness

Share your journey and the benefits you've noticed with friends and family. Your advocacy can inspire others to make eco-friendly choices as well.

General Notes


Transitioning to a green beauty routine is a gradual process. Be patient and don't feel pressured to make all changes at once.

Ingredient Check

Always check the ingredients list for potential allergens or irritants, especially when trying a new eco-friendly product.

Local Options

Consider supporting local businesses that sell eco-friendly beauty products. This not only reduces shipping emissions but also boosts community economies.