Managing Parkinson's Disease

This playbook outlines strategies for dealing with the daily challenges presented by Parkinson's Disease. It includes steps for managing both motor and non-motor symptoms as well as effectively utilizing medication and support services.

Step 1: Medication Adherence

Establish a consistent routine for taking prescribed medications to manage symptoms effectively. Use pill organizers, set alarms, or mobile apps to maintain a strict medication schedule.

Step 2: Physical Exercise

Incorporate regular physical exercise tailored to your abilities to help improve mobility, balance, and overall physical function.

Step 3: Healthy Diet

Follow a balanced diet rich in nutrients that can aid in overall health and potentially improve Parkinson's symptoms. Consider consulting with a dietician.

Step 4: Hydration

Maintain adequate fluid intake to avoid dehydration, which can worsen Parkinson's symptoms.

Step 5: Support Services

Utilize support services such as therapy, counseling, or support groups to manage the emotional and psychological effects of Parkinson's Disease.

Step 6: Cognitive Exercises

Engage in cognitive exercises or games to help maintain mental sharpness and potentially slow cognitive decline associated with Parkinson's.

Step 7: Restful Sleep

Establish a sleep routine to combat fatigue and sleep disturbances commonly experienced in Parkinson's Disease. This may include creating a restful environment and having a consistent bedtime.

Step 8: Safety Precautions

Implement safety measures in the home to prevent falls and injuries, such as securing loose rugs, installing grab bars in bathrooms, or using non-slip mats.

Step 9: Occupational Therapy

Work with an occupational therapist to learn strategies to manage daily activities and to adapt the living environment to improve functionality and safety.

Step 10: Regular Check-ups

Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor the disease progression and update your care plan as needed.

General Notes

Medication Side Effects

Be aware of the potential side effects of Parkinson's medications and communicate any concerns with your healthcare provider to adjust treatment if necessary.

Flexibility in Routine

Stay adaptable with routines as Parkinson's symptoms can change. Adjust exercise and activity levels based on how you feel each day.

Caregiver Support

Caregivers should also seek support for themselves to manage stress and maintain their own health and well-being.