Using Organic Fertilizers

This playbook guides you through the selection and application of various types of organic fertilizers to enhance plant growth. Learn to identify the nutrient content and apply the correct technique for each type of organic fertilizer.

Step 1: Research

Gain an understanding of the different types of organic fertilizers, such as compost, manure, bone meal, and seaweed extracts. Study their individual nutrient profiles, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements.

Step 2: Analyse Soil

Test your soil to determine its current nutrient levels and pH, which will help in choosing the appropriate fertilizer. A soil test will indicate which nutrients are lacking and need to be replenished for plant health.

Step 3: Select Fertilizer

Choose an organic fertilizer that complements your soil analysis results. If your soil is nitrogen-deficient, choose a fertilizer high in nitrogen, such as manure or blood meal.

Step 4: Calculate Quantity

Based on the soil analysis and the nutrient requirements of your specific plants, calculate the amount of organic fertilizer needed. Follow the guidelines provided by the fertilizer manufacturer or a trusted agricultural extension service.

Step 5: Apply Fertilizer

Carefully apply the organic fertilizer to your plants following the instructions. This may include methods like broadcasting, side-dressing, or working it into the soil. The timing is also crucial, as different plants have different feeding schedules.

Step 6: Monitor Growth

After application, regularly monitor plant growth and look for signs of improvement or any nutrient deficiencies. If plants do not respond as expected, adjust the fertilizer type or quantity accordingly.

General Notes


Consider the season and plant growth stage when applying fertilizers, as the nutrient needs can vary.

Complimentary Practices

Combine the use of organic fertilizers with other organic gardening practices such as crop rotation, mulching, and the use of natural pest control for overall plant health and productivity.


When handling manure and other organic fertilizers, wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly afterwards to prevent contamination.