Community Emergency Network

This playbook outlines the steps to construct a community support network designed to aid during emergencies. It focuses on gathering neighbors and community members who can offer assistance and resources to each other when crises arise.

Step 1: Identify Leaders

Determine who in the neighborhood is interested in taking a leadership role. Look for individuals who are organized, communicative, and trusted by others.

Step 2: Outreach

Conduct outreach to gauge interest and invite participation throughout the community. Utilize flyers, social media, and community meetings to spread the word.

Step 3: Organize Meeting

Schedule the first community meeting. Choose a time and place that is convenient for the majority and make sure to communicate the importance of attendance.

Step 4: Define Roles

During the meeting, work together to define roles and responsibilities. Assign tasks such as coordination, communication, and specific emergency services.

Step 5: Training

Organize training sessions for the network members. Cover first aid, emergency response, and the use of communication tools and technology.

Step 6: Resource Mapping

Create a resource map that includes available tools, skills, and knowledge within the community that can be utilised during emergencies.

Step 7: Compile Contacts

Gather and securely share contact information for all network members, making sure everyone can communicate effectively during an emergency.

Step 8: Run Drills

Periodically run emergency drills to ensure everyone knows their role and can act effectively in a real scenario.

Step 9: Review and Improve

After each drill or actual emergency, review the network’s response and look for areas of improvement. Update plans and procedures accordingly.

General Notes


Consider the long-term sustainability of the network. Engage new community members and refresh training periodically.

Local Resources

Liaise with local authorities and emergency services to ensure the community support network complements existing services, and to avoid duplication of effort.


Ensure that all communication and information is accessible to everyone in the community, regardless of language barriers or disabilities.