New Cat Introduction

This guide outlines the steps for introducing a new cat or kitten to a household. It covers initial preparations, controlled first encounters, and tips for harmonious cohabitation with other pets.

Step 1: Preparation

Set up a separate space for the new cat with all the essentials: food, water, a litter box, and comfortable bedding. This space should be quiet and closed off from other pets.

Step 2: Scent Exchange

Exchange scents between the new cat and other household pets by swapping bedding or using a cloth to transfer scent. This helps the animals become accustomed to each other's presence indirectly.

Step 3: Controlled Introduction

Gradually introduce the new cat to other household pets. Keep initial interactions short and controlled, using a pet gate or carrier if necessary to ensure safety for all animals involved.

Step 4: Monitor Interactions

Observe the pets’ interactions closely, looking for positive signs such as curiosity or calmness, and intervene if there are signs of aggression. Gradually increase the length of exposure as they become more comfortable with each other.

Step 5: Expand Territory

Slowly allow the new cat to explore more of the home under supervision. Ensure that each pet has access to their own safe space where they can retreat if overwhelmed.

Step 6: Routine Establishment

Establish a routine of feeding, play, and attention that includes all pets. Consistent routines provide stability and help prevent jealousy or territorial behavior.

General Notes


Remember that the introduction process can take several days to weeks. Be patient and proceed at a pace that's comfortable for all animals involved.

Veterinary Check

Ensure the new cat has a clean bill of health from a veterinarian before introducing them to other pets to prevent the spread of disease.

Behavioral Signs

Educate yourself on cat body language and behavioral signs of stress or aggression to better assess and manage your pets' interactions.