Leadership Succession Planning

This playbook outlines the key steps in preparing for future leadership needs. It ensures continuity in leadership roles by identifying and grooming potential successors.

Step 1: Identify Needs

Assess current and future leadership needs by considering company goals, upcoming changes, and retirements.

Step 2: Define Roles

Outline specific roles and responsibilities for future leaders, detailing the skills and experiences required.

Step 3: Spot Talent

Identify internal and external candidates with leadership potential through performance evaluations and feedback.

Step 4: Develop Talent

Create individual development plans for high-potential candidates, including training and leadership development programs.

Step 5: Mentorship Program

Pair potential leaders with current leaders for mentoring, knowledge transfer, and to build key relationships.

Step 6: Evaluate Progress

Regularly review the development progress of candidates and update succession plans as needed.

Step 7: Communicate Plan

Share the succession plan with key stakeholders to ensure transparency and alignment.

Step 8: Transition Support

Provide support during leadership transitions to maintain stability and continuity.

General Notes


Ensure the succession planning process values diversity and includes a broad representation of talent.


Be prepared to revise succession plans as organizational needs and individual capabilities evolve.