Managing Cystic Fibrosis

This playbook provides a structured approach to enhancing daily life for individuals with cystic fibrosis. It focuses on respiratory therapy, nutrition, and exercise as key components.

Step 1: Respiratory Care

Start the day with a set of respiratory therapies to clear the airways. This may involve chest physiotherapy (CPT), using a vest that vibrates the chest, or performing breathing exercises designed for airway clearance.

Step 2: Nutritional Meals

Plan and consume meals that are high in calories and rich in nutrients. Include pancreatic enzyme supplements with every meal and snack if prescribed, to aid in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Step 3: Hydration

Stay well-hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of fluids. This is essential for keeping the mucus in the lungs thin and more manageable.

Step 4: Exercise Routine

Incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine, which can help to improve lung function and overall health. Choose activities that you enjoy and can commit to on a consistent basis.

Step 5: Rest and Recovery

Ensure adequate rest and recovery time is included in your daily schedule. Sleep is crucial for overall health and can impact how well you are able to manage cystic fibrosis symptoms.

Step 6: Monitor Health

Regularly monitoring your health is important. Keep track of your respiratory symptoms, have routine check-ins with your healthcare team, and make adjustments to your treatments as necessary.

General Notes

Infection Prevention

Always adhere to infection control practices, such as handwashing and avoiding close contact with people who are sick, to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

Mental Well-being

Acknowledge and address the mental and emotional challenges of living with cystic fibrosis. Seek support from mental health professionals, support groups, or community resources when needed.

Medication Adherence

Maintain strict adherence to prescribed medications and therapies. This may require the use of reminders or establishing a daily routine that incorporates the timing of medications.