Heatstroke Recognition & Treatment

This guide provides a step-by-step procedure to identify heatstroke symptoms and outlines the immediate actions required to lower body temperature and prevent serious health complications.

Step 1: Identify Symptoms

Recognize the signs of heatstroke, which may include high body temperature (above 104°F or 40°C), altered mental state or behavior, alteration in sweating, nausea and vomiting, flushed skin, rapid breathing, racing heart rate, and headache.

Step 2: Call Emergency Services

Immediately call for emergency medical services if heatstroke is suspected. Quick medical intervention is crucial.

Step 3: Move to Shade

Move the affected person to a shaded or air-conditioned area to prevent further exposure to heat.

Step 4: Cool Rapidly

Begin cooling the person rapidly using whatever methods are available. This can include immersing the person in a tub of cool water, spraying with a garden hose, placing cold packs on the head, neck, armpits, and groin, or immersing the person in a cold shower.

Step 5: Monitor Response

Continuously monitor the person's body temperature, as well as their response to the cooling efforts, until emergency services personnel take over.

Step 6: Provide Fluids

If the person is conscious and able to drink, provide them with water or other cool beverages that do not contain alcohol or caffeine.

General Notes

Avoid Drinks

Do not give sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages during cooling. Water or sports hydration drinks are recommended.

Do Not Administer

Avoid giving medications to reduce temperature, such as aspirin or acetaminophen, as they can be harmful in this situation.


After emergency responders arrive and treatment begins, it's important to stay informed and follow up on the person’s condition and any further treatment they might require.