Managing Intellectual Property in Collaborations

This playbook provides a structured approach to managing and protecting intellectual property (IP) during joint ventures or collaborative projects. It includes steps for drafting contract clauses, negotiating licensing agreements, and ensuring both parties' IP rights are safeguarded.

Step 1: IP Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment of the intellectual property involved in the collaboration. Identify all existing IP and any new IP that is likely to be developed as a result of the joint venture.

Step 2: Define Ownership

Clearly define and document the ownership of existing and potential future intellectual property. Ensure that all parties agree on who owns what, both during and after the collaboration.

Step 3: Draft Clauses

Include detailed intellectual property clauses in the collaboration contract. These should address licensing rights, confidentiality, and publication rights, as well as the use of IP during and after the project's lifespan.

Step 4: Negotiate Licensing

Negotiate licensing agreements that stipulate how the intellectual property can be used by each party. Address terms including exclusivity, sublicensing rights, territory, and duration.

Step 5: Finalize Agreement

Finalize the collaboration agreement, ensuring that all intellectual property terms are clear and mutually agreed upon. Both parties should sign the document to indicate their understanding and consent.

Step 6: Monitor and Enforce

Regularly monitor the collaboration to ensure compliance with the intellectual property agreement. Be prepared to enforce the terms if any misuse or infringement of IP occurs.

General Notes

Legal Advice

Consider obtaining legal counsel specializing in intellectual property to assist with the assessment, drafting, and enforcement of agreements.

Record Keeping

Maintain detailed records of all intellectual property documentation, negotiations, and correspondence throughout the collaboration.


Maintain open and ongoing communication between parties regarding any IP-related issues that arise during the course of the collaboration.